Town of Stony Point On-Call Services

Project Location: Stony Point, NY
Client: Town of Stony Point

Nelson Pope Voorhis has provided on-call planning services to the Town of Stony Point since merging with the Turner Miller Group in 2017. NPV Planners have provided services to the Town of Stony Point since 1991. NPV assists on a monthly basis with the review of all site plan, subdivision, waterfront consistency and conditional use applications to the Planning Board. NPV assists the Town Board in reviewing proposed zoning petitions and special permit application as well as reviews land use referrals from surrounding communities.

Stony Point is a suburban/semi-rural community on the Hudson River with more than 2/3 of its land located within the Palisades Interstate Park. The Town is home to the Stony Point Battlefield State Historic Site a significant historic resource dating back to the Revolutionary War.

The firm assisted the Town with an update to its Comprehensive Plan in 2015 and has provided assistance with special planning studies and proposed zoning dealing with reuse of the former Letchworth Village State Hospital for the Developmentally Disabled; redevelopment of marginal waterfront marinas; orderly development of manufactured housing communities; a transitional industrial zoning district; and amendments to the zoning governing school, religious and public assembly uses. In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, the firm also prepared a Sea Level Rise and Coastal Vulnerability Study with recommendations for land use policy changes intended on making the community more resilient in response to sea level rise and storm intensification.

Recent large scale reviews conducted by NPV on behalf of the Town include the New Planet Energy waste to biofuels plant and the Eagle Bay mixed-use waterfront development, which proposes 264 waterfront units, retail, office, restaurants, marina, public fishing pier and public esplanade.