Overbay at Port Jefferson Village

Project Location: Port Jefferson, NY
Client: Overbay, LLC

This project included the demolition of an existing single-family residence and boat sales and service building, and redevelopment of the property with a three-story mixed-use building containing 52 residential rental units (42 one-bedroom and 10 two-bedroom units) at 28 units per acre plus 4,157 square feet of general office space and 92 parking spaces on the 1.84-acre site. NPV and N+P, our engineering affiliate, assisted with obtaining permits and approvals from the Village including site plan and conditional use approvals, a building height variance from the Board of Zoning & Appeals, a Planning Board variance to construct an off-street stand-alone surface parking lot on the residentially zoned portion of the property and demolition permits.

NPV completed the Phase I ESA, as well as the Phase II ESA, supplemental sampling, remediation and coordination with NYSDEC. Additionally, NPV prepared the environmental impact statement, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) as well as wetlands permits.

Relevant Project Components:

  • Phase I ESA
  • Phase II ESA
  • Soil Sampling
  • Remediation
  • Environmental Impact Statement
  • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
  • Wetland Permitting
  • Traffic