Motor Parkway – Multiuse Trail
Project Location: Eisenhower Park, East Meadow, NY
Client: Nassau County Department of Public Works
Nassau County was selected for Transportation Alternatives Grant (TAP) to construct a 1.4-mile section of the Long Island Motor Parkway Multi-Use Trail: Old Country Road – Salisbury Drive Segment that would complete a 10-mile continuous pedestrian and bicycle trail from the Nassau Hub to the historic Hamlet of Levittown. This project was federally funded and required the project’s development, design, and construction to follow State and Federal requirements. NPV and our engineering affiliate, Nelson + Pope were retained by Nassau County to design plans conforming to the NYSDOT Highway Design Manual (HDM), NYSDOT standard Sheets and Regional Guide Sheets, and the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD); and prepared preliminary and final estimates utilizing NYSDOT specifications.
This project’s design included the construction of a 12-foot-wide path meandering through and Eisenhower County Park, while considering environmentally sensitive areas in the park. Care was taken to avoid potential impacts to endangered/threatened species and many of the parks existing trees. NPV completed endangered species surveys, environmental assessment documentation, historic resources assessment and preparation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan.
Relevant Project Components:
- Endangered Species Surveys
- NEPA Environmental Assessment (EA)
- Survey & Mapping
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
- Construction Related Services